We have the very best, finest, smartest, most decent and beautiful customers in the entire known universe. That's a fact.
And you all helped make 2013 our very best year ever! In December alone we sold as much as we did our entire first YEAR of business.
So thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
And - as a small, humble, unworthy token of our affection and gratitude we open our THANK YOU SALE tomorrow at 10am and EVERYTHING (sorry for shouting) IN THE SHOP IS 3 for 2 until Sunday afternoon. (Friday 28/2 to Sunday 2/2)
Yes. True. Everything (excepting staff) is 3 for 2. Buy ANY three books, mugs, whathaveyous (mostly books, we know) and the cheapest one is free. Sorry - FREE.
See you and your best friends and your extended family soon. Come set the books free.
And thanks.